Departmental Tutoring

Tutoring on our campus is a collaborative act, and while there are centers dedicated to tutoring Truman students — such as the CAE Tutoring Center and the Writing Center — many academic departments offer tutoring options. Students are encouraged to explore any and all academic assistance on offer. Below is a list of the department-sponsored tutoring that is available.

Pickler Memorial Library

Research & Instruction Department

The Research & Instruction librarians are the starting point for helping students, faculty, and staff to access information in the library and online. We encourage students to take advantage of the Research Assistance Program (RAP) and schedule a session with us. Setting up a RAP session allows a librarian versed in the subject matter to research a topic in advance and then sit down for an in-depth discussion of the student's research needs.

Research and Instruction Website

Academic Departments

School of Arts & Humanities

Communication Lab

The Communication Lab offers assistance in preparation for speech assignments, and provides space for faculty or student research involving focus groups and small groups or for seminar studies. Students can receive help in how to select a topic, researching, writing, and outlining their speech, as well as making visual aids and practicing their delivery. The Communication Lab is currently offering both in-person and online sessions and is located in Barnett Hall 1101. To schedule a session with the Communication Lab, visit the “Book a Tutoring Session” page.

Book a Comm Lab Session

Language Learning Center

The Edwin C. Carpenter Language Learning Center is designed to help students in their acquisition of foreign languages and aid professors in their teaching. The LLC offers two types of teaching/learning environments: Foreign Language Labs and Foreign Language Peer Learning Labs. Student can schedule reservations and view the availability of lab Managers and foreign language Peer Teachers.

LLC Website

School of Business & Professional Studies 

Business & Economics Department & Beta Alpha Psi


School of Science and Mathematics

Chemistry Contact Center

The purpose of the Chemistry Contact Center (C3) is to help all chemistry students, although it is primarily directed toward students in 100- and 200-level courses. It is your opportunity to get help from faculty members outside of class and normal office hours. Each chemistry professor welcomes students seeking assistance in the introductory chemistry courses (CHEM 100, CHEM 129, CHEM 130, and CHEM 131).

CCC Availability

Alpha Chi Sigma

Alpha Chi Sigma (ΑΧΣ) is the professional fraternity specializing in the field of chemistry on campus. ΑΧΣ provides free tutoring to students in CHEM 100, CHEM 130, and CHEM 131 (although many tutors are also able to help with Quantitative Analysis and Organic Chemistry ). Tutoring sessions are available in-person (MG 1098) or virtually and take place every Sunday-Thursday, 7:00-9:00 pm.

ΑΧΣ Website

Group Math Tutoring

The Math Department offers a range of group tutoring options for students in a variety of math courses. These include: MATH 156, 157, 186, 192, 194, 198, and 263.

MATH 156, 157, and 186

      • Monday-Friday, 9:00am-6:00pm  |  VH 1200 or Zoom
      • Saturday, 3:00pm-6:00pm  |  VH 1200 or Zoom

MATH 192, 194, 198, and 263

      • Monday-Saturday, 6:00pm-9:00pm  |  VH 1200 or Zoom

Private Math Tutoring

There are student who are available for freelance private tutoring sessions in Math, Computer Science, and other STEM courses. These are not free tutoring options sponsored through the University, but are opportunities available to students.

Society of Physics Students

The Society of Physics Students (SPS) is a student organization dedicated to enhancing involvement and appreciation for the study of physics. SPS offers free tutoring to students in PHYS 100, 185, 186, 195, and 196. Tutoring sessions are available in-person (MG 1098) every Sunday-Thursday, 7:00-9:00 pm.

SPS Website