Truman Bounce Back Program
The Bounce Back Program is a one-semester opportunity designed to get you back into good academic standing and remain enrolled at Truman. By providing academic support and weekly coaching, we are committed to helping you succeed.
This program is for you if:
- You have been slated for suspension, or are a new transfer student and academically struggled at your past institution
- You have demonstrated interest and ability to succeed at Truman
Re-Secure Your Enrollment at Truman
Students who participate in the program and earn at least a 2.0 GPA while completing at least 66.67% of the credits attempted during their Bounce Back semester will be eligible to continue at Truman. Students who fail to earn a 2.0 GPA or complete at least 66.67% of the credits attempted during their Bounce Back semester will be suspended at the conclusion of the semester. A student’s completion percentage is measured by credits successfully completed for the semester divided by credits attempted for the semester.
To remain in good standing with the Truman Bounce Back program, students must not miss any weekly meetings. Receiving an Any-Time, Any-Student Notification or a negative Early Progress Report may also affect the student’s standing.
- Attend a professor’s office hours (can be repeated to count more than once)
- Attend a tutoring session (can be repeated to count more than once) through the Center for Academic Excellence or a department
- Attend a Writing Center appointment
- Attend a Research Assistance Program (RAP) session with a research librarian
- Other activities approved by your advisor that can be considered extra help